Thursday, April 16, 2009

Picasso: Challenging the Past

I'm positive none will dispute that Pablo Picasso is, or rather was, a genius.

Personally, I adore his works. I've always been conscious about his place in the modern art, especially by his later works, but this retrospective if you like, of Picasso’s work is simply astonishing.

From his start as a passionate student until end of his live, he always was ready to explore and make his commentary on the images captured by the old masters and some of his contemporaries and major rivals.

One can easily notice Picasso competitiveness with Poussin, Delacroix, Manet, Degas, Henri Matisse, to name but a few.

Pablo Picasso, ‘Man with a Straw Hat and an Ice Cream Cone’, 1938, Musée Picasso, Paris © RMN / Jean-Gilles Berizzi / Succession Picasso / DACS 2009

Highly recommended.

National Gallery, London
Period: until 7 June 2009

Of course, a perfect place for later reflection is seated at sushi counter at Matsuri Restaurant.

I had an assorted sashimi (tuna, salmon, shrimp, sea bass…) and this was one of the freshest sashimi I had in Europe, though bit pricey. I’ll be going again and I definitely recommend it.

Matsuri St James's
15 Bury Street
London SW1Y 6AL


jokke said...
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jokke said...

I am a big fan och Picasso too, but not until I went to the Picasso museum in Barcelona ( did I fully understand that this guy could paint any style with anything. Amazing! And I just love his view on "understanding" art: "Look at it; either you like it or not, as simple as that". Only a true genious would say that.


The Idea said...

Hey Jokke! I've visit Picasso museum in Barcelona and as you mention, it is amazing! Actually, I believe, this museum is only example where author homeland has some of the author’s best works in collection.